Accepting credit cards online can often seem like an impossible process for many merchants to figure out. The Merchant Warehouse online merchant account bundle makes it easy to process payments online, backed by top-notch payment gateways. Whether a business has a brick and mortar or ecommerce presence, Merchant Warehouse has an Internet payment product to meet any merchant’s needs and exceed their expectations.
Here’s what you get with the Merchant Warehouse online merchant account bundle:
- Your own real online merchant account (accept Visa and MasterCard, even Amex and Discover cards if you wish)
- Ordering process is conducted on your site, your visitors never leave your site to pay for their purchase (applies to Internet merchants only)
- Your company name appears on customers monthly credit card statements
- 24×7 Technical support
- Secure transactions – Cardholder data is protected with Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology
- Automatic Real-Time processing (Choose from or MerchantWARE) for website orders (applies to Internet merchants only)
- Secure virtual terminal for phone, fax & mail orders (applies to mail or phone order merchants) – manually type credit card information in a web browser; can be used anywhere… your office, a client’s office, laptop, anywhere with Internet access. Either gateway’s virtual terminal make an excellent mobile processing solution, too.
Lowest rates and fees, guaranteed!
This popular processing solution offers a variety of low cost products and services to choose from. No application fees! Plus no cancellation fees. Perfect for ecommerce!
Pricing Comparison |
Check out both of these options: |
Competitor Pricing |
Merchant | Merchant WarehouseMerchantWARE | ||
Application Fee: |
NONE | NONE | $25 to $50 |
Setup Fee: |
NONE | $NONE | $75 to $150 |
Virtual Terminal: | Included | Included | Sometimes an additional $10-20 monthly |
Statement Fee: |
$7.95/month | $7.95/month | $10 to $15/month |
Monthly Gateway Fee |
$10 | $0 | $10 to $30/month |
Online Reporting: |
FREE | FREE | $5 to $10/month |
Compatible Shopping Carts |
Already compatible with nearly every shopping cart and may also be integrated. | Inquire | Varies, depending on gateway selected. |
Funds Deposited in Checking Account: |
1 business day |
1 business day |
2 to 3 business days |
**Featured rates and fees are not meant to be entirely inclusive; other rates and fees may apply based on your type of operation. Entire rate and fee schedule will be included in your Merchant Application and Merchant Processing Agreement. These will be available for review prior the completion of the setup of your merchant account.
Ready to start processing? Call today!
1 866 808 4783
Info for merchants with existing PayPal accounts!
As you may already know PayPal (a third party merchant account service) includes a free web account that allows you to process web payments from your eBay account, with an additional charge of $25-30.00 per month to manually enter phone or mail order transactions into their virtual terminal. One great benefit of Merchant Warehouse is that for a lower total monthly fee than PayPal you can signup for Merchant Warehouse bundled with a merchant account that features both Website Payment Acceptance and a Virtual Terminal. So you’re able to keep your free PayPal third party account while using the Merchant Warehouse real merchant account solution w/Virtual Terminal at a lower total monthly fee and discount rate. With this service you build reliable merchant account history by having your own merchant account and Virtual Terminal for a lower total fee. It’s a win-win solution for both existing PayPal and Non-PayPal merchants.
Pre-apply for an online merchant account
Complete the pre-application below and a Merchant Warehouse representative will call you shortly with more information. Remember, there is no obligation!
United States-Based Businesses ONLY!
Non-US Businesses Click Here
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